Warren Watts

Management Consultant, Deloitte

Years as a Staff Member/Positions held: 5 years

  • Ranger Counselor (2 summers)
  • Ranger Unit Leader (1 summer)
  • Head Male (1 summer)
  • Water Front Director (1 summer)

Current Profession and Title/Years in role: Management Consultant, Deloitte (since 2018) and Marine Corp Reserves

Can you provide a brief overview of your career path and job responsibilities? I majored in Political Science at UNC Chapel Hill. There were two Kanata alumni in the suite next door to mine in the door and they told me about Kanata and that’s how I was first introduced.  After college, I was s substitute teacher and then joined the US Marine Corps in 2007. I was active duty until 2017 and joined Deloitte in 2018.

Now, my days at Deloitte are spent working with my clients, and solving problems around organizational strategy, communications, and SharePoint issues.  

Do you have a passion project or goal you’re currently working on? I wrote a teen book that is in the process of being published. It’s about 12-year-olds that solve mysteries. I’m working on getting into politics one day and my second child was just born.

How do the values or skills you learned at Camp show up in your everyday work and/or personal life? Camp taught me how to work as a teammate and that’s helped me out throughout my career. The military is very team-orientated and all our work at Deloitte is also done in teams. Kindness, and treating people with respect and dignity all overlap with everything I’ve done professionally.

Is there a person that had a huge influence on you while you were at Camp? How and why did they/it impact you? Richard Hamilton (former Camp Director), Jason Koslofsky (former Assistant Camp Director) who was my first unit leader and Nick Dishler were the people I really looked up to. 

What advice would you like to share with the Kanata community? For counselors: Enjoy every moment of it and slow things down. Learning to relax and not take things so seriously was instilled in me at Camp. Everyone is in such a hurry to get to the next thing and you don’t stop to enjoy the moment you’re in. Enjoy the fact that you get to spend all your time taking care of kids that just want to have fun. It’s some of the last time you’ll get to spend enjoying your summers outside.

For campers: Do as much as possible, just don’t get hurt. Have as much fun as possible so long as you’re safe.

Camp Memory to share: Playing Camp-wide Capture the Flag with the gym to lower lake as boundaries. One summer 90% of my team was captured and I had to run down to the boat house to rescue them all. I remember being chased by about 40 kids and being exhausted but I tagged the line and got them all out. They did eventually catch me though.

Favorite Camp song: Princess Pat, The Little Cabin in the Wood and There Once was an Austrian

Favorite Camp meal: Chicken sandwiches 

Warren Watts