Join our Staff

Camp Kanata staff members are carefully selected to ensure they enjoy teaching and mentoring young people. Camp staff work outside through all kinds of weather – the chill of fall and the heat of summer. They lead by example, demonstrate strength of character and being a positive role model. 

Interested in working at Camp? Join the team in the Extended Season! Click the link to apply.

Apply Today!

Why Our Staff Love Working at Camp

Camp Kanata staff love working at Camp for all sorts of reasons - spending the summer outside, mentoring youth and making a difference in the lives of children are all good reasons to work at an overnight camp. 

Camp Kanata Counselors: What I learned from working at camp.

Camp Kanata Counselors: What I learned from working at camp.

Benefits of Working at Camp

Walking at Camp Kanata Walking at Camp Kanata

Working Outside

Counselor and camper holding kayak paddles Counselor and camper holding kayak paddles

Learn New Skills

Archery at Camp Kanata Archery at Camp Kanata

Leadership Development

Two girls sitting under the Big Tree talking Two girls sitting under the Big Tree talking

Friends for a Lifetime

Summer Positions

Counselor and campers holding kayak paddles Counselor and campers holding kayak paddles


Nursing staff at health center Nursing staff at health center

Camp Nurse

Camp Kanata Pool Camp Kanata Pool
