Health and Safety

Your child's health, safety and well-being are our top priority at Camp Kanata. Each year, we take time to evaluate our medical protocols and practices using recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Camp Association (ACA), North Carolina State Health and Human Services, Wake County Health Department, and from guidance from our Camp Medical Advisory Committee. 

Medical Services

During the summer, our Health center is staffed 24 hours a day by registered nurses. They are prepared to respond to many of the common health challenges that occur at camp such as infected bug bites, cuts and scrapes, swimmer’s ear, cold symptoms, and others. The Health Center keeps and distributes all camper medications. 

Medical Services

Community Health

Every summer we work hard to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Under the guidance of our physician medical committee, we practice hygiene measures in the cabins and take a variety of precautions to support camper health in our dining hall. Additionally, we work with our campers to ensure they are well-hydrated in the summer heat and take appropriate precautions to avoid sunburn and insect bites. 

Over the last few seasons, we updated many of our health and safety protocols. We will continue many of these protocols to keep our community healthy in future summers as well.

Camper check-in on arrival days will include a wellness screening to ensure the best experience for all. 

We also require a pre-arrival symptom checker.

Unwell Campers

Kanata’s Health Center is not set up to safely support unwell campers for extended stays past 4-6 hours or overnight. Campers exhibiting flu-like symptoms with high fevers who require extended stays in the Health Center will be asked to leave camp within 4-6 hours and recover at home. 
Per CDC guidelines, campers testing negative for Covid or negative for the Flu may return to Camp when they are fever-free and feeling well enough to participate in activities in North Carolina summer heat without the assistance of fever-reducing medications for a full 24 hours.

(Updated March 2025)


Supporting Mental and Emotional Health

Your camper's mental and emotional health is just as important as their physical health. Emotional and mental health concerns are common.

When you let us know about any concerns before your child arrives, it helps us better support them. Please be sure to include any issues on your child's online forms, or contact Camp directly.

We are committed to building a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone at Camp. We treat one another with respect and dignity. At the beginning of each session, the Code of Conduct is reviewed and discussed in each cabin and huddle group. Every camper signs the form as they commit to doing what is right during their time at Camp.

Our staff are trained to recognize harmful and inappropriate behavior. Monitoring and responding to inappropriate behavior is everyone's job at Camp Kanata. This includes interactions between staff and campers and interactions between campers.