Ryan's Thought for the Week 1.6.25

Read Executive Director, Ryan Eves, thought for the week of January 6.

On December 21, the Winter Solstice, my family went to The Boulder Garden in Durham for their grand opening. The Boulder Garden is the brainchild of Kanata alum, Johnny Davis, and if you know Johnny, you feel his presence even before you walk through the door. The folks who welcomed us were friendly and made us feel welcome. Before heading up to the bouldering area, we got a brief orientation and it felt very familiar. The "rules" were simple and straightforward, and they were focused on what to "DO" rather than a long list of "DO NOTs." There was an emphasis on inclusivity and responsibility and a hope that you would be a part of the creation of the space.

I got to talk to Johnny after the orientation and he was quick to say that Kanata formed a lot of the ethos of The Boulder Garden. While I can see the DNA, it was incredible to see how Johnny has made a new space, a community, that's wholly new.

Each summer, I talk about how campers and staff are set-up to change the world and create a better place for us all. Being at The Boulder Garden gave me a tangible example of what "Be Well and Do Good" looks like beyond the "Camp Bubble." I encourage you to swing by and check out the space when you find yourself in Durham next! It's just down the street from the Downtown Durham Y.

My goal in 2025 is to find more tangible examples of how the Kanata Family is making the world a better place.

As we turn our attention to 2025, I'm excited for what's next for us. We have a lot of "new" to anticipate and create this year. New buildings, ideas, systems, people. The energy in the office, even on a cold and rainy day, is clearly different than before the holidays! 

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