Ryan's Thought for the Week 1.6.25
Read Executive Director, Ryan Eves, thought for the week of January 6.
Welcoming the Community
We strive to collaborate with other camps in our community by offering our space for them to run their programs for the weekend.
First-Time Camper Pro Tips
If your child is attending Camp Kanata overnight camp for the first time, we can help.
Parent preparation is the key to helping your child with being homesick. It's a normal and natural reaction for campers to miss their parents, pets, and yes, even their siblings.
Taking Camp Magic Home
Camp Kanata is a special place where extraordinary things shine and people recognize them.
Camp Kanata Changed My Life
An awkward child finds himself after a summer at Camp Kanata.
10 Things to Know Before Coming to Camp
Our camp staff have come up with the top 10 things all new campers (and new parents) should know before they come to overnight camp at Camp Kanata.